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August 19, 2019 23:09:49 +0000 (UTC)


hey everyone again~ last event I posted how I defeated the two final bosses of the event without the 4* event stage girl, but this event is a little more difficult '^^ Anyways, I finally managed to beat the blue final boss, but with a quite... unique pair - Banana Phantom and Easter Shizuha... so yeah... two 4* event stage girls that one of them is a seasonal (which I got by insane luck with the 3-free pull). I don't think it'll be so helpful to share, but I'll share anyway if by any bizarre chance you've got them both.

Example Video


  • Banana Phantom. main damage dealer. you should give her the "Friends of the Aquarium" memoir so she'll climax quickly. I can't win if I don't active her climax TWICE in this battle, and to do it I have to active her first climax ASAP.
  • Easter Shizuha. she somehow fills the role of a tank. her 2AP that creates barrier on two rearest stage girls it what lets Phanana (and herself as well) survives most of this battle. as you can see in the vid, I don't use Watson since she takes her barrier and therefore makes her die more quickly. I believe you can use any another better special defense tank instead of this improvied weird tank, like Michiru Heracles or Mahiru Moriarty if you managed to get her, and the results will be even better. I don't have any good SDEF outside of Benkei Tamao which is a cloud element so I can't say for sure. But, if you do use another better tank, don't forget to put Watson Claudine for the 50% damage buff~
  • Guest: Sherlock Karen. mostly for the damge buff.
  • Note: all stage girls should be at least rank 7 and fully potential bloomed.
  • The 3 placeholders I put in the front are for a little damage buff (10% for each), and for the memoir drop bonus.

Unfortunately, I couldn't beat the final gold boss. I don't have any tank that's good enough to bear its attacks. However, my friend (aka TsUNaMy WaVe) has Heracles Michiru and managed to beat it with her. she provided an example video (not one of her best battles, but she won anyway):

Example Video

Unit Build

Thank you, TsUNaMy WaVe! ^^


  • White Day Ichie + Perfect Aim memoir. she is your absolute main damage dealer for this boss. she is a great flower-element single attacker, who has a bonus damage against Joker-type bosses (like this event one) auto-skill. and the good thing is that most of you should have her. This boss gives itself evasion buffs, so you should equip her with a perfect aim memoir. Her main weakness is that she is in the front row, so she takes damage from some of the boss attacks, even if you have a good tank.
  • Heracles Michiru. I know from my friend that she doesn't get so much damage from this boss, so she should be the perfect tank in this battle. if you don't have her, maybe Sun Nation Maya can fits this role, as a NDEF tank. Outside of these two, I'm not really sure who you can use as a good tank. YJ Rui is weak against this boss, and Pirate Shizuha is a center so she can't defend Ichie... so I hope you have one of them.
  • SN Banana: For extra damage dealing. Personally I think she isn't necessary since she deals a little less than Ichie, but my friend says she tried without her and lost, so... try what works for you. EDIT: she uploaded a vid of win without can see how it went here.
  • Watson Claudine. for the 50% damage buff. don't use her ACT at all. her defense buffs are for special attack, and this boss attacks with normal attacks.
  • Guest: Sherlock Karen. damge buff and great climax.
  • Note: all stage girls should be at least rank 7 and fully potential bloomed.

Good luck everyone! ^~^