Community / Users list / pinkumahou

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Khile • 21 • Agender (They/Them)

Nyello I'm Khile! (pronounced the same way as Kyle just spelled fancy KSDJFLSD)

I'm VERY new to Rev Starlight so I may still awkwardly be fumbling around the game as I get the hang of it but I'm also a huge Bandori fan and have been eyeing RevStar for a while so I figured if I was gonna join it would be best to do it now with the collab going on!

I'm still getting to know the characters but rn my top 3 faves are Akira, Yuyuko, and Aruru. Akira,,, is def at the top thoguh I love her. I also like Futaba, Tsukasa, Nana, and Mahiru a good bit. Even when I'm familiar with characters my faves contantly shift around so expect me to update this section often probably lMAO

I'm also an artist! So I'll share my fanart here a lot I'm sure. If you wanna check out places I only post my art I'll link them below <3 vvv


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