Revue Starlight / Stage girls list / Otori Michiru

Otori MichiruOtori Michiru

Name Otori Michiru
Voice actress Ozaki Yuka
Open voice actress
Open voice actress
School Siegfeld Institute of Music
Open school
Open school
Department Music Acting Department
School year 2nd year
Birthday February 15
Astrological sign Astrological sign Aquarius
Color #ffbb48
Weapon Saphir Bestrafung
Two-Handed Sword
Liked food Walnuts
Disliked food Sea cucumber
Likes Music, watching martial arts
Dislikes Prying people
This Stage Girl is Akira's ever-supportive friend. While her singing, dancing, and acting talents are on par with her friend's and she wants to become a top star herself, she wants even more for Akira and the others to develop their talents. Very affable, and has a lot of fans at the school.

Akira's friend and partner. While she is talented and wants to become a top star herself, she wants even more for Akira and the others to develop their talents.

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